
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sometimes it's a Pandemonium

More than one owl: a parliament. More than one crow: a murder. More than one lark: an exultation. More than one raven: an unkindness. More than one child: a pandemonium.

Recently I have found that with every load of laundry done there are three more to take its place; with every load of dishes run through the dishwasher there is a whole stack ready to go in again; with every toy picked up a few more are scattered throughout the house; and with every meal that is successfully made there are two more to follow.

Maybe this wears on me more than it does most moms, I'm not sure... That and the added bonus of a baby who doesn't take a pacifier, a bottle, or a teether, and screams for forty-five minutes whenever she is put in her crib... I have had to realize that sometimes most of the time it's not about being a perfectionist. It's about joyfully serving the needs of my family- and recognizing the differences between their needs and my desires.

For instance one of my desires is organization. I relish organization- it releases endorphins for me I swear, as does having cleanly everything (laundry, dishes, house in general)- but two kids equals the exact opposite of organization. Tucker's favorite past-time is to currently unfold freshly folded clothes, draw on floors, empty and scatter the contents of bags, etc. Guess who's about to turn two? haha. But in all honesty sometimes I really do forget that. He is just a toddler. Maddie is just a four month old sprinkle of adorable. This is who they are right now. Not that that excuses bad behavior, but it does explain pandemonium.

And I am learning to find joy in that... The dirty dishes piled on the counter, the dirty laundry on the bedroom floors, the overflowing trash bins, and the toys aplenty- all are evidence of the joys of my home. It's beautiful, this pandemonium I live in- and I wouldn't trade it for all of the organization in the world.

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