As previously mentioned in this post we are exploring what it would look like to adopt a third child... And so far all that we know for sure is that it will be a process and will involve a major working of the Holy Spirit... Currently it isn't something that we have been able to spend too much time with in prayer together- life has been crazy, demanding, and exhausting, and so we have been pursuing this at our own paces in our own ways...
We are pretty sure that we want to wait until Maddie is around two years old to bring another child into our home, but as the adoption process is a process we need prayer covering us now...
It's hard for me personally to think about bringing another child into our home when I feel like nothing is complete as it is- rooms unfinished, furniture unfinished, major hodgepodge of a household. I still don't even know how to cook ten different dinners (sides, main-course, etc.)! It's also hard to imagine a third child as part of our day to day lives when our car only holds four people... and each seat is spoken for. It's hard to picture another tiny human entering into our family...
But it's heartstrings.
So, as we make decisions and pray through the hard stuff we will update this page. Stay in touch, pray as you feel lead, and by all means feel free to leave comments- we could use any and all advice!
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