Yesterday I felt like I was wonder-mommy. You know those days where it seems like you are doing everything right? Haha, oh the pride! I seriously take credit for the fact that both of my children were in a good enough mood that we could get in and out of a store in under thirty minutes... That I could finally really clean the house a little bit more than light sweeping... That BOTH kids took naps. At. The. Same. Time. Talk about a breath of fresh air. And yeah, totally had to stop myself in the middle of the day...
My thoughts were along the lines of, "Look at me! I'm actually getting stuff done! Things are looking good... Heck, I'm looking good..." Y e a h... The trap of taking credit for a good day. I get trapped in that a lot. I also take blame for the bad days. Been there? The day falls to, well, you know... And you sit there looking at the mound of dirty underwear your toddler went through in under three hours, the infant who can't stay up for more than an hour and fifteen minutes at a time, and the entire house needing a good cleaning, again... Examine everything, and blame... myself.
But the fact is days are days. There will be good, and there will be bad, and there will be in-between days. And to seek Christ in the bad, praise Him in the good, and realize that sometimes what happens in a day is completely out of your control. Choose joy in the bad, be joyful (and take advantage) of the good, and really relish the time here... Because the days may be long, but the years are so short...
I was recently introduced to this family via a friend's link on Facebook to their blog. And, while crying desperately for this family, I wanted to go wake up my daughter and hold her close. My son peeing everywhere and belly laughing while doing so no longer seemed like the end of all ends. The reminder that life is precious, and sometimes much much much too short was harshly staring back at me from my computer screen.
I would encourage anyone and everyone to read this family's blog. Pray for this sweet baby girl and her incredible parents who have a strength I stand in awe at. Really, truly blown away by how this family has approached this time in their lives.
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