
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sometimes it's, umm, Pee

Thursday marked the beginning of Tucker in underwear. A diaper shield is put over the underwear for naps and bedtime, but that's it... The only problem is my son does not understand cause and affect very well, if at all. He is the child that, when he accidentally slammed his fingers in a cabinet would cry, open the cabinet, and (without removing his hands) would slam it harder... Only to cry louder. Needless to say, it took him a few months to realize that if he slammed the cabinet without moving his hands to a safe position, it would hurt... A lot.

So, while trying to teach my son the signs of needing to go to the bathroom, and how uncomfortable it is to go to the bathroom in underwear, I also have a very demanding six month old- who is very frustrated with the fact that she is not getting as much attention at the moment as her peeing-freely-all-over-the-house older brother... Ever have a day like this?

While chasing a tantrum throwing toddler and attempting to wrestle him onto the toilet seat (because he is bound to blow at any second) he starts to pee, straight up in the air- directly at your face. Rest of day spent chasing, doing loads of laundry (because 8 pairs of underwear is NOT enough for even one day), cleaning up "accidents" (which you are almost positive are anything but accidental). Turn around to giggle with the little girl, who really just wants an excuse to smile and coo (oh so cute- she somehow makes the day seem like it won't be the end of the world after all...). And between spitup, tossed cereal, food scattered, and, oh yeah that other daunting puddle that has found it's way onto your living room floor, you somehow manage to get both kids to sleep. Sort of. The evening ends with the grand finale: a screaming toddler, covered in chalk and some other sticky substance (which is thankfully not urine), and obviously on a sugar high from all of the treats he has gotten for successful potty trips; couple that with your giggly sprinkle of a baby on your hip... who you are now beginning to realize is leaking something warm, and thick, through her diaper and your shirt... change baby, wipe off changing pad (the cover to which has somehow vanished), hold baby while pulling out cloth diaper to put her on... Realize she has peed in the process creating a water slide of sorts, out of urine, g r e a t... Bath time. Put infant down on bath mat, just to have her roll over and pee on the tile... Seriously? Start the day chasing a toddler saying, "No no pee pee on floor, pee pee in potty!" just to have it end with the baby peeing on the floor.

All this to say toilet training is a L O N G process, but one which I am still determined to not go back on- I have come too far to revert back to diapers, no matter how desperately I am craving their simplicity!

Disclaimer: this state of mind may in fact change very shortly and the author of this post cannot be held liable for such a change should one take place.

Doing the potty dance

Coloring with Christopher Robin in his big boy undies


Snacks on the floor


Brother and sister playtime...


Napping Maddie- gah, bootie in the air!




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