
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elect the Right to Life

This last Sunday wrapped up the "Adoption" series our church, The Austin Stone, was teaching on. A three week series that delved into what it meant to be adopted into the family of God, to be coheirs with Christ, and what that means for us today. We went through how salvation isn't just being plucked from the depths of sin, how it isn't just being saved and redeemed in Him, but how it is so much more than that. We have been received into God's family. Our inheritance is one in the same with Christ.

God's heart for the orphan and the widow is so powerful and poignant that He places the calling of care for these people groups on His children. We are called to care for the orphan and the widow. To suffer with them in such a way as Christ suffers with us.

Adoption has become something the world sees celebrities doing, something that is accompanied by accolades and awe- something that maybe we see the common person unable to partake in because they cannot possibly serve the orphan on their own- with no help financially, or otherwise. But we are all called to care for the orphan. To help those that are called to the act of adoption by answering the call to give financially or to be trained in respit care.

With election day here, staring us down, my facebook wall has been exploding... How's yours holding up? A lot of my feed is people either stating "vote" or posting articles on what's important to vote about. I saw one article talking about how scripturally the abortion rights isn't something that is as important as the other issues. Here, I have to disagree.

If the orphan is so important and close to God's heart, how could a child's life being terminated because they are unwanted (they are fatherless) not be something that is of the utmost importance? Women should have rights, yes. Men should have rights, yes. Blacks, yes. Whites, yes. Asians, yes. Latinos, yes. No discrimination. But here is my question to you- why on earth is it the woman's decision to give birth to a child? She most likely already decided to create life by partaking in sex- that is most definitely a woman's right. (And if not then that act of violence against her needs to have severe consequences). She doesn't get to play a role that is strictly meant for God in heaven. I'm sorry, that is not something the state should be able to decide either. Terminate this idea that it is "human rights" to decide who lives and who dies based on who is "fatherless." Stop terminating them just because they are fatherless, motherless, parentless.

First sermon: http://austinstone.org/sermons/item/rescued-by-love

Second sermon: http://austinstone.org/sermons/item/rescued-by-love-2

Third sermon: http://austinstone.org/sermons/item/adopted-the-cost-of-love


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sometimes it's the Mourning

There is a time for mourning. As a child I would cry about children being abandoned in China. I cry when I read a good book. I cry when I watch a good movie. I cry. And as a mother I cry now more than ever...

As most, if not all, of you have probably heard or read or seen by now, baby Avery passed away from this world on April thirtieth. And I wept as though I had lost a close and dear friend, or rather my closest friend had lost her child. The way Avery's parents shared their story with the world, the way they gave their five month old daughter a voice- one that hundreds of thousands of people have been able to hear and respond to.

I am blown away by the strength the Canahuati family responded to Avery's diagnosis. They hadn't been wrestling with the horror of SMA and what that would mean for their child since she was born. They became aware of their daughter's disease and jumped into telling her story. They made it a priority to LIVE life with their precious baby girl, and to share those moments with anyone who would listen. They welcomed us into their homes, and made us feel like we were living life with Avery.

The news of her life ending stopped the breath in my lungs. It hit me like a semi-truck. And then, I wept. Heart wrenching gutteral sobs over a life that ended. Far. Too. Short. I never met her, but I feel like I know her. I feel like I have had that mother to mother conversation with the remarkably corageous woman who is her mommy. It's as though they are dear friends, and we are mourning this loss as we would an intimate relation.

(Baby Avery's last picture, still smiling)
And so, at a time like this, words have escaped me. I want to say something, but there is nothing to say. I want to give something, send something, but what? Avery's blog is still keeping everyone informed on ways to donate to the cause for finding a cure and spreading awareness of SMA. And, if you too are struggling with wanting to surround this family with support but are unsure of what to do or where to start... You can start with a donation, one that will be matched dollar for dollar for up to $500,000.00. Read her blog for more of the details. And continue to share this child's story with anyone and everyone. Talk to your child's pediatrician about newborn checkups, talk to your obgyn about getting tested to see if you are a carrier, talk to the hospital you deliver in, talk to your insurance company, talk to the stranger in the checkout line.

Continue in prayer and support for this amazing family who have taken an unfathomable heartbreak, and used it joyfully to make a difference in the world of today. I did not have the blessing of meeting baby Avery in her lifetime here on earth, but I must admit I look forward to meeting her one day... Don't you?



Monday, April 30, 2012

Sometimes We Go to the Zoo...

A week visiting the family in Houston wouldn't be complete without a trip to the zoo...

Tucker wanted to ride the Heffalumps...

Heffalumps give high-fives!

Watching the Heffalumps...

Tucker wanted to get into the exhibit... With the chimpanzees...

Maddie poses. Giraffe poses.

Maddie's favorites!

Riding the caterpillar on the carousel...



Tucker riding the panda bear with Mia!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sometimes it's a Heart Issue

Ever have one of those moments where you read, hear, or see someone doing something and you feel like patting yourself on the back? It's one of those instances where you feel good about yourself, because that doesn't describe you at all, at least not anymore, right? Yeah, totally had one of those moments today. In church. Of course, where else would a person feel like they are better than the rest of the people listening to the exact same teaching in the exact same building?

The preacher was using words like "hostile," ,

"And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds..." - Colossians 1:21

My response? "Oh, I have never even been there, and doubt I ever will be..." it was a type of deep hearted musing- the kind that is only discovered when you dare to explore the inner confined thought of your soul. But it was there nevertheless. It's like I accepted I was a sinner, accepted I was imperfect, but evil? I mean, that's kind of harsh... Isn't it? Ever been there?

We live in a culture of entitlement. Our initial response to our clothing, food, and shelter seems to be "it's not enough," and that mindset leads to the heart condition of coveting. Which, if you know your ten commandments, you know that you just stepped into the deep end of the wrong pool. But we have taken have these commandments and twisted them into socially accepted behaviors.

The media goes as far as to idolize the distorting of them to the point where we will drink gossip as though it is the oxygen to our very souls. We teach to coveteousness to children and it becomes the social norm because the adults in society are continually growing their children up in a materialistic world view under the heading, "dreams for my child's future." We lust, and are encouraged in that- even more than that we consider someone a prude if they haven't. We hate- Yankees, rednecks, beauty queens, jocks, geeks, gays, blacks, whites- we conditionally love only those who we desire to be loved by.

The culture that surrounds us on every side has allowed us to love our sin. Like a child loves his poop filled diaper as it oozes and surrounds him- the thoughts being, "Yeah, it may be stinky, but it's warm and it's mine!" Oh. Dear. ...It's a matter of the heart. God is after our hearts. The underlying cause behind people's actions is the heart of the person in question. Why Jesus compares hating someone to murdering them, or lusting after someone to committing adultery. If it happens in the heart, it is a sin. And a sin is a sin is a sin. And sin is evil. Therefore, at one point in time in this life we were each "doing evil deeds," with nothing keeping us from reproach.

We pursue the "happyness" instead of the joyfullness. I love what Matt Chandler said in his sermon that we watched this morning. He said this, "Happiness is impossibly fragile- touch it, and it's gone." And then he explained that, "Joy has extremely deep roots. It is immovable." Joy is not hindered by the things of this life. Joy is founded in Christ. But happiness exists in a moment, and as soon as it is, it is no longer.

Ready for the rest of the verse? Yeah, I was too.

"he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,


indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven..."

- Colossians 22-23 (emphasis mine)



Monday, April 23, 2012

Sometimes it's Not Like

In Maddie's eyes I am currently unable to do anything wrong... With the exception of leaving her alone in her room for nap time. Any song I sing in my off key way has her smiling and cooing. Any food I feed her she at least tries to eat. A book, it doesn't matter which, has her practically jumping for joy between pictures and words. It doesn't take a lot to entertain, and unless she is tired, she is happy.

Tucker is a toddler. A toddler who just learned the phrase, "I don't like..." And now I hear it all the time. "I don't like that book," and he tosses it aside. "I don't like that song," as he walks away from my singing. "I don't like that," as he lets the toy fall through his fingers, or throws the piece of food. "I don't like that plate," as he pushes my efforts away from him with a look of disinterest bordering disgust. "I don't like mommy." Those. Words. Hurt.

Living a life of sacrifice is easy when you are sacrificing for people who sacrifice for you. It's wonderful even. To sacrifice on a daily, constant, basis for self-indulgent, self-serving, self-centered people is not easy. And yet that's what we are called to do, after all isn't that what being Christ-like looks like? Doesn't He love me, you, and all of the world, despite the fact that at the end of the day how many of us by our actions tell Him, "I love you," and how many of us are actually saying, "I don't like you..."


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sometimes it's, umm, Pee

Thursday marked the beginning of Tucker in underwear. A diaper shield is put over the underwear for naps and bedtime, but that's it... The only problem is my son does not understand cause and affect very well, if at all. He is the child that, when he accidentally slammed his fingers in a cabinet would cry, open the cabinet, and (without removing his hands) would slam it harder... Only to cry louder. Needless to say, it took him a few months to realize that if he slammed the cabinet without moving his hands to a safe position, it would hurt... A lot.

So, while trying to teach my son the signs of needing to go to the bathroom, and how uncomfortable it is to go to the bathroom in underwear, I also have a very demanding six month old- who is very frustrated with the fact that she is not getting as much attention at the moment as her peeing-freely-all-over-the-house older brother... Ever have a day like this?

While chasing a tantrum throwing toddler and attempting to wrestle him onto the toilet seat (because he is bound to blow at any second) he starts to pee, straight up in the air- directly at your face. Rest of day spent chasing, doing loads of laundry (because 8 pairs of underwear is NOT enough for even one day), cleaning up "accidents" (which you are almost positive are anything but accidental). Turn around to giggle with the little girl, who really just wants an excuse to smile and coo (oh so cute- she somehow makes the day seem like it won't be the end of the world after all...). And between spitup, tossed cereal, food scattered, and, oh yeah that other daunting puddle that has found it's way onto your living room floor, you somehow manage to get both kids to sleep. Sort of. The evening ends with the grand finale: a screaming toddler, covered in chalk and some other sticky substance (which is thankfully not urine), and obviously on a sugar high from all of the treats he has gotten for successful potty trips; couple that with your giggly sprinkle of a baby on your hip... who you are now beginning to realize is leaking something warm, and thick, through her diaper and your shirt... change baby, wipe off changing pad (the cover to which has somehow vanished), hold baby while pulling out cloth diaper to put her on... Realize she has peed in the process creating a water slide of sorts, out of urine, g r e a t... Bath time. Put infant down on bath mat, just to have her roll over and pee on the tile... Seriously? Start the day chasing a toddler saying, "No no pee pee on floor, pee pee in potty!" just to have it end with the baby peeing on the floor.

All this to say toilet training is a L O N G process, but one which I am still determined to not go back on- I have come too far to revert back to diapers, no matter how desperately I am craving their simplicity!

Disclaimer: this state of mind may in fact change very shortly and the author of this post cannot be held liable for such a change should one take place.

Doing the potty dance

Coloring with Christopher Robin in his big boy undies


Snacks on the floor


Brother and sister playtime...


Napping Maddie- gah, bootie in the air!




Friday, April 13, 2012

Prayer for Avery

I mentioned baby Avery and her sweet strong family in my previous post. And I would like to do something for this family, but I need your help! I am proposing to make Saturday, April 21st a day of prayer for baby Avery.

I am asking for individuals, families, prayer groups to join together starting at 12:00 a.m. Central Time, for 30 minute stretches of prayer. Add fasting too if you are able and willing, and cover this family in prayer. Pray as you feel the Lord is leading you to pray, and commit to this only if you are serious.

I would ask that, once you have decided to commit, to put the time you will be praying (translated into Central Time. Ex: if you are in California and pray at 3:00 p.m., that is the 5:00 p.m. time-slot.)- you CAN sign up for more than one and there CAN be more than one sign ups per time- but try to sign up for times that have not yet been filled!, and to include your name in the response. A nickname is fine- just something for the family to be able to see a visual representation!

Optional things to include- your location (can be as general as a time zone or as specific as a city- no addresses please), and if you are also fasting you can choose to let the family know!- additional comments to the family and Avery should be posted to them on their blog

So, here are the time slots- I will update this as accurately as possible. Remember these are CENTRAL Times, please make the necessary calculations when signing up...

1. 12:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. : Erika P.
2. 12:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
3. 1:00 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.
4. 1:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
5. 2:00 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. : Jacquie H.
6. 2:30 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. : Amanda C.
7. 3:00 a.m. - 3:30 a.m.
8. 3:30 a.m. - 4:00 a.m.
9. 4:00 a.m. - 4:30 a.m.
10. 4:30 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.
11. 5:00 a.m. - 5:30 a.m. : Matt B.
12. 5:30 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. : Kathe B.
13. 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. : Adria F.
14. 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. : Emily B.
15. 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. : Robin R.
16. 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
17. 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. : Jessica M.
18. 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. : Tasha F.
19. 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. : Ellen B.
20. 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. : David B.
21. 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. : Michelle F.
22. 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
23. 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
24. 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. : Tiffany T.
25. 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
26. 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
27. 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. : Melissa K.
28. 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. : Priscilla S.
29. 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. : Alicia W.
30. 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
31. 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
32. 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
33. 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
34. 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
35. 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
36. 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
37. 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
38. 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
39. 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
40. 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
41. 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
42. 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. : Hannah M.
43. 9:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. : Maggie B.
44. 9:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
45. 10.00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. : Ashley C.
46. 10:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
47. 11:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
48. 11:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Looking forward to joining in prayer with everyone for this precious baby girl and her family!















Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sometimes it's Days Like These...

Yesterday I felt like I was wonder-mommy. You know those days where it seems like you are doing everything right? Haha, oh the pride! I seriously take credit for the fact that both of my children were in a good enough mood that we could get in and out of a store in under thirty minutes... That I could finally really clean the house a little bit more than light sweeping... That BOTH kids took naps. At. The. Same. Time.  Talk about a breath of fresh air. And yeah, totally had to stop myself in the middle of the day...

My thoughts were along the lines of, "Look at me! I'm actually getting stuff done! Things are looking good... Heck, I'm looking good..." Y e a h... The trap of taking credit for a good day. I get trapped in that a lot. I also take blame for the bad days. Been there? The day falls to, well, you know... And you sit there looking at the mound of dirty underwear your toddler went through in under three hours, the infant who can't stay up for more than an hour and fifteen minutes at a time, and the entire house needing a good cleaning, again... Examine everything, and blame... myself.

But the fact is days are days. There will be good, and there will be bad, and there will be in-between days. And to seek Christ in the bad, praise Him in the good, and realize that sometimes what happens in a day is completely out of your control. Choose joy in the bad, be joyful (and take advantage) of the good, and really relish the time here... Because the days may be long, but the years are so short...

I was recently introduced to this family via a friend's link on Facebook to their blog. And, while crying desperately for this family, I wanted to go wake up my daughter and hold her close. My son peeing everywhere and belly laughing while doing so no longer seemed like the end of all ends. The reminder that life is precious, and sometimes much much much too short was harshly staring back at me from my computer screen.

I would encourage anyone and everyone to read this family's blog. Pray for this sweet baby girl and her incredible parents who have a strength I stand in awe at. Really, truly blown away by how this family has approached this time in their lives.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tucker Talk: Hi-Ho

Nathan: "Tucker, can you say, 'Hi-Ho Silver, and Away!'?"
Tucker: "I am Silver!" (major belly laugh)

Tucker Talk: ABC's

Tucker in sing-song voice: "A, B, C, D, E, F, G! Now I know my A, B, C!"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sometimes it's Incorporation, Bunnies, & Eggs

Have you ever experienced a heart moment? There is something going on in your head that won't leave you alone, at least not for long periods of time? And for the life of you, you have no idea how to handle the situation "correctly?" Well, I have that, a lot. And more often now that Tucker is older. 

He understands so much, process so much, retains so much more than he did as an infant... But he doesn't understand full concepts. For instance, holidays. He loves Easter. Well, more correctly he loves Easter eggs. And they don't even have to be filled with candy. In fact, he generally prefers them empty so that he can fill them himself with the things he likes. And I am perfectly happy with that. 

But here's the thing. My son pays attention to me. I have told him "You are going nuts!" enough times now as he runs around the house giggling his head off, that now when those instances happen he joyfully exclaims, "I'm going nuts!" -giggle- "I'm so funny!" -giggle- "I'm cute!" -more giggles-. And here is where I wrestle- allowing my children to enjoy the fun of the holidays, while at the same time being honest with them about the holidays. Nurturing their imaginations without twisting reality. And I'm not sure anyone has really mastered that yet... 

I loved believing in Santa Claus- I willed myself to believe in him until I was almost twelve years old- yeah... And it is probably one of my favorite parts of my childhood- that belief in the imagination. It was wonderful. And I want my kids to have that too. I just don't know how to explain everything to them. I want Christmas morning to be more focused on the celebration of Jesus' birth, of the gifts of the magi, than of the presents around the Christmas tree- but I want to still let my children know the thrill of Christmas morning... And to incorporate the two somehow so that they compliment without confusion. The same thing with Easter. Tucker has an obsession with Easter eggs, and a newly discovered obsession with the Easter bunny. And I would love to bring his excitement over those things into the excitement of the empty tomb- and everything that that has meant for mankind. 

But how to communicate to a toddler? It seems just beyond where he can mentally grasp at this point in time... and yet he can grasp the Easter Bunny, so how do we bring in the joy of opening an egg and finding sweet surprises, to the opening of the empty tomb- revealing the sweetest surprise of all?

For now, I speak and pray that the Holy Spirit uses my words to speak the loving truth to my son's gentle heart. 

Tucker with his empty Easter Eggs

Maddie waiting for Easter Bunny

Tucker meets Easter Bunny

smile says it all...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tucker Talk: Safety Locks

Opened Tucker's bedroom door to find all of his freshly cleaned and folded clothes emptied from his dresser and thrown haphazardly across his room.
M: "Tuuuuccckkkeeerrr! I am going to put child locks on your dresser drawers!"
T: "No, that's not a good idea...."
M: "oh, really? Why is that not a good idea?"
T: "I couldn't open them!"


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tucker Talk: Apple Store

Tucker, in the car on our way home from lunch: "Go shopping at Apple store? Go Apple Store?"
Nathan: "What do you want to do bud?"
T: "Go Apple store!"
N: "What do you want to see at the Apple store?"
T: "Go see Jude at Apple store..."
N: "You want to see Jude at the Apple store?"
T: "Yeahah... That'd be fun."

Apparently the car means we are going to go shopping... At the Apple store (Hmm, wonder where he gets that from?). And if he is going to see anything/anyone, it will be Jude- a friend from small-group/MOPS. Although I am pretty sure he has never actually seen Jude at the Apple store before... And we don't go that often either...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tucker Talk: Coffee's Ready

The chirping beep of the coffe machine in the kitchen elicits this response from Tucker:
T (shouting in excitement): "The coffee's ready, Daddy! Coffee's reeeaaaaddyyyy!!!"
D: "The coffee's ready?"
T: "Go get it, Daddy! Go get it."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sometimes it's Bluebonnet-eers

A blast from the past: my assignment from creative writing non-fiction in spring of '09... Thought with all of the bluebonnet picture undertakings I would post this... a little bit of history, a little bit of humor, and a little bit of me :)

Warning- long post... my apologies... 

            The Texas Highways in the springtime are littered with drivers on the lookout for fields of
bluebonnets. Some claim the flower received its name due to the petals’ resemblance of the bonnets that were worn by pioneer women in order to shade themselves from the sun; others say that it was derived from the Scottish term “Bluebonnet,” which refers to the customary blue colored Tam o’shanter hat. Regardless of how it received the name, the title of “bluebonnet” is common to at least five different species of North American flowers. These genus, while in bloom from March through May, becomes a sought after sight; the hunters of which make driving a hazardous undertaking. And while I generally try to avoid any and all public roads of high traffic during this time, the necessity of spending Easter with my family made travel unavoidable. Three hours in the car, consisting entirely of avoiding the drivers as they found their precious fields of bonnets, slammed on their brakes, and pulled their children from the car; cameras at the ready.
            Despite the fact that it was nerve racking for the cars to stop so suddenly, I felt the most sympathy for the little toddler who was drug out of his car seat and plopped into the field of blues. The child’s arms would be completely straight as the mother or father carried him to the perfect place of foot-high flowers and lowered him into the middle. The child’s face spoke bewilderment at this treatment, and it was clear that he had never experienced anything quite like it before; little does he know that this will probably become routine in his life. For, the seeking of snapshots in the vast purpled sweetness becomes a tradition in many families across the Lone Star State.
            My family used to take yearly pictures also, but we took ours on the white sands of Blue Mountain Beach near Destin, Florida. We would all dress in white shirts and blue-jeans, and the pictures would turn out stunningly. I don’t think these results were because we were necessarily great photographers, however, but rather the pure sand and the perfect sunset lent their beauty and rendered the pictures unique and lovely to look at. Even though we never took our pictures in the fields of bluebonnets, it seemed that every time spring would come, the mention of the bonneted heads emerging would make us giddy. Something about the foot-high pioneers made us feel like summer was almost upon us. When the bluebonnets had come out in full force we would know that another school year was drawing to a close.
             In Colorado, where my family ended up moving while my brothers and I were still in elementary school, it is illegal to pick the state flower, the columbine. But that didn’t stop my little brother from picking a handful in American Basin when he was six. He didn’t realize that just because it isn’t illegal to pick the bluebonnet in Texas doesn’t mean that it is legal to pick any kind of flower anywhere. He was so proud when he came up to our mom and handed her the bouquet, his face beamed as he looked up for approval for his actions.
            “For you mommy, I picked these for you!” He declared, his little chest puffing out as he made note of being the only one so far to make such a gesture.
            “Oh Pudd, thank-you,” Mom exclaimed as she knelt down to give her youngest a hug. She hid her anxiety about being fined for the flowers well, “I love them, they’re beautiful!” But still she gave hidden admonishment as she said, “Let’s not pick anymore flowers today, these are perfect.”
            A common urban legend is that it isn’t legal to pick bluebonnets in Texas. This may have stemmed out of the fact that in most other states, like Colorado, picking the state flower is in fact illegal. But it may have become urban legend because of the illegal activities associated with bluebonnet picking, like that of parking on the side of busy highways or trespassing onto private property.
            Before a state flower of Texas was established, over a hundred years ago, the men in power wanted the flower to be something business-friendly: like the cotton boll or the cactus flower. The women, however wanted something more like the buffalo clover. “The men being gentlemen basically ceded to the wishes of the women and that is how the ‘bluebonnet’ became the state flower,” claims Flo Oxley, program coordinator at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. So, on March 7, 1901, the bluebonnet species, Lupinus subcarnosus, also known as buffalo clover, became the only type of bluebonnet recognized as the state flower of Texas. Lupinus texensis, or the Texas bluebonnet, however, became the favored specie of most Texans. The Texas bluebonnet has dark blue blossoms, and blooms from March through May. Due to the remarkable popularity of this other genus, in 1971 the Texas Legislature made every species of bluebonnet the state flower.
            While driving down for Easter weekend I passed one setting in particular, located off of 290 between Houston and Austin, which is especially popular for those who love to take pictures in oceans of fragrance. It’s a private pasture, but the owners come out and open their gates for anyone who would like to capture memories among their thousands of capped ladies. Adding to the place is a heard of cows, which appeals to those who have never touched a cow or lived near one before. I feel especially sorry for the children who are dragged into this situation. Not only do the parents take hundreds of snapshots of the toddler sitting alone in a field of flowers taller than he is, but then they move the child so that he’s sitting in the middle of a herd of sun-bathing cows; and the parents are wondering why the kid is crying and unhappy by the end of the revelry.
            I did pause somewhere outside of the little town of Chapel Hill and take in a sight that was none other than absolutely breath taking. A pond set out in front of a red, run down, dilapidated barn, and the ruler-length representative of Texas covered every inch of ground beside it. I had to slow my car to a crawl and exit off to the side to gaze at the sight I was sure I would never see again. No family tramping through the flowers disturbed the scene, it just sat there, untouched save for a light breeze that danced barefooted across the pond’s surface. Not only did I take in sights of splendor such as this, but I saw some rather comedic sights as well.
There was a girl in a bright purple prom dress standing outside of a black Volks-Wagon Jetta. She was obviously waiting for her mother to get the camera ready before venturing out into the sea of permeating fragrance, which was already crawling with at least ten other families taking pictures of their little kids and pets. The mother stood at the trunk of the car, and it looked as though she was trying to figure out which lens to put on the camera. She was rummaging through her trunk, but by the time the light turned green I assume she found the lens she wanted because she and her daughter began to walk carefully through the revelers towards a spot in the flowers that was undisturbed by man or beast.
Seeing an older child having her picture taken in the middle of bluebonnets brought to mind the time my parents wanted to try to be like other Texas families upon our moving back to Texas from Colorado. We were unable to go to the white sands of Blue Mountain Beach that year, and my mother desperately wanted to change out the portraits that we had taken the year we moved to Colorado. So, with my mother wanting to update our portraits, my brother Austin, who was twenty years old at the time, my brother David, fourteen years old, and myself, eighteen at the time, got in the family suburban and followed my aunt, uncle, and cousins to our substitute ocean which was about a forty-five minute drive from home.
We found the perfect field, at least five acres of solid flowers, with a wooden white church at the far end, and we were the only revelers there. My cousins looked perfect sitting among the bluebonnets dressed in all white, but of course, they were closer to the age of the majority of kids who were photographed in places such as these, being ages three, seven, and nine. When it came time for my brothers and I to each be individually photographed for portraits we started to laugh. It was so ridiculous. There sat my brother, a junior in college, trying to sit up and be serious while surrounded by thousands of bonneted flowers. He couldn’t hold a serious face.
“Honey, don’t smile, look serious,” Mom would try to compose him but to no avail.
“Mom, you do realize that this is ridiculous right?” Austin made a sardonic face and tried to pose once more, but broke down in laughter. Of course, to her it seemed less ridiculous if all three of us sat together, so we all got together in a clump, sat, and smiled at the camera. The ridiculousness from Austin’s solo picture didn’t go away, however, and it ultimately ended with the three of us just goofing off. Austin and David took to “frolicking” in the field, both jumping up and down trying to imitate ballerinas with their hands bouncing and their heads tilted back. The boys looked absolutely absurd as they danced through the flora.
After this experience in the bluebonnets, I do believe I was grateful to Lady Bird Johnson for her involvement in convincing the government to spread bluebonnet and other wildflower seeds along the sides of the highways throughout the state of Texas. Whether Lady Bird, the First Lady to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, intended for the bluebonnets to be a tribute to her or not, they serve as her legacy with their return every spring. While this tribute is seemingly small, the bluebonnet in its five different species, is present all over Texas, and therefore isn’t such a small tribute after all.
The bluebonnet, while typically deep blue in color, can sometimes undergo natural genetic mutations which results in an albino, or white, bluebonnet. And, with some breeding experiments performed by a few Texas A&M researchers, they were able to create red and white strains of the bluebonnet flower. The researchers used their red and white strains, as well as the natural blue, to create a Texas flag out of bluebonnets for the 1986 Texas Sesquicentennial. The tampering with the flower breeding didn’t end there, however, and the researchers soon produced a deep maroon strain, which is the university’s official color.
While the maroon, red, and white strains of the bluebonnet are rarely seen, the natural deep blue of the Texas state flower is found all over the Lone Star State. Despite the fact that the flower only blooms for a quarter of the year on the sides of highways or in fields, the bluebonnet can be found blooming in countless paintings, photographs, and even songs across the state. And while maybe not every child will grow up returning to the same field with his or her family and taking portraits among the blue-bonneted flowers every year, most children will grow up with some overall feeling of tolerance towards the bluebonnet.  And those children who do grow up taking portraits every year among the flowers will just have a few more stories to tell about crazy drives, mothers searching for lens caps, and brothers frolicking in flower-covered oceans. 

Bluebonnet Pictures... 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sometimes Curiosity is Not a Good Thing

The past two weeks our house has been invaded. Our cute, sweet, generally polite toddler has turned into a performer few have witnessed outside of the theatrical realm... He has perfected the art of hiding while being disobedient- namely so mommy and daddy don't discover the act until it is well underway. Crayon drawings on the walls, done while hiding behind the chairs; toothpicks scattered all over the floor in the kitchen- done in complete silence until the sound of a tiny wooden sticks alerted parents to the disaster; changing pads being dismantled; hangers snapped in half; hiding in the layers of sheets in bed while disassembling one thing or another of mommy's or daddy's; and most of these performed during "naptime." 

To all of these efforts of creating mayhem, my toddler laughs, semi-defiantly... And, after being disciplined, laughs again. The second time I'm pretty sure it's pure defiance. To this I have no weapon. I can't discipline him again, because that wouldn't be a correction- that would just be me retaliating. So, I have stood by and watched, completely dumbstruck, while every effort put forth by both Nathan and myself goes by with little to no avail. 

This has got to be more than normal two year old behavior... r i g h t?!?!

I make a birthday smoothie, and, as I am racking my brain to figure out the mystery behind the elusive mindset of my child, we sit together on the couch and share our simple sweet drink. Then he points to the TV and whines/asks for "George?" Two minutes into the show and I have it- the answer! I watch as the monkey colors on the walls, dumps containers out of kitchen cabinets, piles clothes out of closets, and basically ransacks the entire house. Now, of course the monkey is told that that behavior is "Not OK," but to my toddler who is watching the show in complete fascination all he cares about is doing the same things the monkey did. A w e s o m e. Needless to say, "Curious George" will no longer be a permitted television show in our house. Hopefully that means that "Curious" Tucker will soon be leaving us as well. I want my happy, generally obedient, cuddly toddler back... Please

Oh, I am not naive enough to think things will go back to the way they were- he is two after all... But here's hoping something changes... at least a little... 

In the meantime, here's some Instagram fun - there is actually a good pic of Tucker, one in which he is not being a monkey... 
...apologies to anyone who has already seen these on two other sites, I am a little addicted, and a little short on pics :) 

Our Tribute to ACL

Maddie and St. Patty's Day

St. Patty's Day giggles

You play, I'll drool... and eyes

Our Sprinkle of a Sweet Pea

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sometimes it Makes Sense

It's the first day of Spring! It's the first day of Spring! And it just so happens to also be my mom's birthday! Sad to not be celebrating with her today, but thought that I would post the "The Top 10 Things I Understand about My Mom Now that I Have Kids"

so, here we go... 
It suddenly makes sense....

10. ...to be in bed by 9 p.m. and wake up at 5 a.m.- it seems to be the only way to make sure everything most things get done...

9. ... to work out every morning- endorphins, peace, and quiet before the rest of the house turns to chaos...

8. ... why we had weekly and daily chores- the mom works hard, the kids need to pitch in so she has some relief, and also it's good to get in the habit of cleaning- there will be a lot more messes that are a lot more gross before all is said and done in this life...

7. ... to learn how to cook more than three different dinners- after a while the husband and kids are going to start wanting a little diversity...

6. ...  to find a drink, or two, that help brighten the day a bit (chai, coffee, etc)...

5. ... to seriously invest in a close circle of friends- they truly will be your support system through the good times and the bad...

4. ... to find things you and your spouse can do together- whether it's sailing, snowboarding, or shooting - invest in your marriage

3. ... to seek wisdom from godly women- some things can be taught- how great is that?!

2. ... why mom's love the way they do- sometimes to a fault- always with the greatest heart

1. ... why a regular set time for devotionals and prayer is so desperately important- choosing joy, choosing selflessness, choosing Him is daily, is constantly- and it is the most important choice of the day

I guess, at the end of the day, mother might just actually know what's best <3
And I am seriously blessed that I have a mom who is an example, an encouragement, and a blessing day in and day out!

a pic from the past :) 

Happy Birthday Mom! We love you so much!

St. Patty's Day pic

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sometimes it's Just Another Manic Weekday

​I have been craving sleep with a slightly serious desperation... And my children have been too, but they just haven't come to that realization... yet. I pray they come to that realization soon! Maddie may actually have a semi-understandable excuse because she might possibly be teething. Tucker, well, he's two- which isn't an excuse- it's the CAUSE. Oh defiance, you are not a mother's friend, but for some reason you enter into our lives when our children enter their toddler years and I am beginning to think we may not see the end of you...

​Last night Tucker had a nightmare- so I brought him into our room to calm him down. The kids don't get to sleep with us, but so far when Tuck has a bad dream it helps him to be held for ten minutes and then he will go back to bed no problem... Y e a h, being in bed immediately commenced in making tents out of the sheets, kicking me in the ribs, and digging elbows into my chest... Send him back to bed. Enter morning. While trying to keep Maddie happy and pleasant until it was time for her morning nap (she has been a little off today) I suddenly realize that Tucker is no longer using his crayons to color his coloring book... He's expanded his definition of "coloring book" to anything immobile, namely walls. Maddie down for nap, screaming. Tucker prepped for lunch, and commence disassembling almond butter and jelly sandwich. End lunch. Begin clean up of jelly-butter covered toddler. Get covered with the splashes of water my loving child bestows on me. Put the two-year old down, commence running around, accompanied with pleadings by mommy to not wake sissy. Enter daddy (I swear that entrance needs a super-hero theme song). Tucker melts down in tears when daddy goes upstairs- cue nap time!

​Four hours later? Tucker has successfully torn a part his room from top to bottom- no nap has been taken, but disciplines have been administered. Maddie has awoken, eaten, played, screamed, and gone down for afternoon nap. Mommy has attempted to eat lunch, played "Manic Monday" chorus in head on repeat, and discovered the relaxing power of instagram. All while praying for the grace of God and His hand to go before me this day- befriend patience, choose joy, and sometimes let the schedule get sent through the disposal. After all, what would life be without a little bit of crazy now and again? And again. And again. And again...

An illustrated survival guide to manic weekdays:
1. start the day with a caramel chai latte... in a glass mug...

2. stay in pajamas and don't change

3. play, sing, and dance along to "Friday Night" by Lady Antebellum 

4. find something simple to smile about... 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sometimes it's Five Month Photos

Our little Maddie Emma is five months old! And I was desperate to get pictures of her as soon as possible- namely because I have the most adorable pictures of Tucker when he was a little older than four months, and they were taken by our dear friend Caryn Werner. Since Maddie had a newborn photo-shoot that was professionally done (whereas Tucker had one done by me, haha) I decided that because of that Maddie's four five month photo-shoot should be done by me... Kind of a reverse, if you will... thirty seven pictures (fifteen minutes) later, my memory card was full. My future as a photographer looks, well, nonexistent.

The fact that I didn't really get a variety of photos, among other lovely first-timer fails, I was still not deterred from pursuing the "editing" feature on my husband's computer...

Maddie is wearing a dress given to us by my Aunt Marsha. Aunt Marsha's daughter, Claudia, is one of the cutest little red-headed girls you will ever set eyes on, and Maddie is beginning to look like a little red-head herself, which I think is the funnest thing ever! I do hope, however, that Aunt Marsha will forgive my lack of photographing abilities (she is an amazing photographer, and I'm not just saying that!)...

With all of that said, here's Maddie's five month "photo-shoot" (of sorts):

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sometimes it's a Potty Training... F A I L

Potty training. At this stage in life I am pretty convinced that toilet training a puppy is easier than toilet training a toddler.... For that reason alone I am seriously considering beginning to have Maddie go on the toilet as soon as she can sit up on her own. Not that I am expecting it to work whatsoever, but there's always hoping.

Entering the world of potty training with Tucker we began with a S L O W introduction to going "potty" on the potty. And, despite our expansive efforts and vast pleadings (I swear I have come close to begging on the verge of tears)- accompanied with bribes of M&Ms or "silly bands," Tucker displayed amazing willpower. He could sit for up to half an hour on the toilet (probably longer actually, but we have an infant who also demands attention) and he would NOT go to the bathroom. Two minutes after putting a diaper on him, however, and we have... POOP.

Desperate times call for drastic measures- a complete switch from diapers to big boy underwear! If he was going to prefer to go to the bathroom in his pants, we were going to make that as uncomfortable for him as possible. Fail. All we ended up doing was going through eight different "big boy underpants" in a five hour time-span. His intense resolve to not go to the bathroom anywhere but in his pants is, admittedly, quite deterring for me on this venture of potty training my toddler. Attempt number two will involve a "big boy potty" instead of a toilet seat on the potty... Updates on that attempt to come in the near future.

Tucker- in big boy camo "boxer-briefs" while playing a round of indoor croquet (belated birthday present from his mommy and daddy- yeah...)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sometimes it's a Table

Tucker's great-grandparents sent him a kid-sized picnic table for his birthday present! And he and his daddy put it together- nothing like dad/son bonding over construction :)

It's here! (T- "Just in time to save me from my nap! Oh yeah!")

Happy Boy! 

Making sure those screws are secure...

Is it just me or does he look like my brother David at this age?

Adjusting those screws again... Can never be too careful! 

(sigh) Snack Time. Life is Good.