
Welcome to... CrAzY!

In the 3+ years my husband and I have been married we have:
- Moved four times within two different cities
- Have had two children: (Tucker turned 3 in February '13 and Maddie turns 2 in October '13)
- Are expecting our 3rd child (2nd son): July '13
- Turned a MINI Cooper into a family car
- Have relinquished the MINI on account of it won't hold our entire family... (insert tear here)
- Have loved almost every minute of it

Love is abundant. What's not to love about the antics of a toddler, the coos of a baby, or the heart of a husband? The constant dying to self is, yes, sometimes extremely hard- but it is worth it, so worth it!

Patience is... being learned. Daily, repeatedly, continuously.

Peace is... well, Peace is a blessing. And it is also continuously sought after and relished.

Joy is constant. Whether it's dancing to Christmas carols in the kitchen, eating banana pancakes for dinner, chasing squirrels in the park trying to feed them acorns, experiencing each and every one of my children's "firsts," watching my son interact with others and being blown away by his tender heart, or just all lying on a quilt together in the backyard... Joy is faithfully unchanging.

In essence we are park going, book reading/listening, music partying, in-the-car dancing, world traveling (wanna-be's), train imitating, ball throwing/chasing, tent making, smoothie drinking, pumpkin hoarding, rain cherishing, wubbanub enthusiasts... as well as occasionally a tantrum throwing, food tossing, toy flying, sippy cup spilling, reflux spitting, colic crying, normal family.

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